Breakthrough to High Tech

This podcast is about one thing: How to get a high-impact, high-paying job in tech, with the skills you already have right now.

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Sunday Jul 05, 2020

One of the questions I get most often when I talk to people about transitioning into tech is "but do I have what it takes?"
Granted, not everyone does.
Tune in as I take apart exactly the stuff you need to have to be able to transition into high tech.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020

So you think you're totally disadvantaged?
Join me as I break down EXACTLY what I'd do to land a perfect-fit job in tech if I had nearly nothing: no network, no technical degree, and no connection to tech whatsoever... Only my skills and my willpower.

Monday Jun 29, 2020

If you've been stuck in the same place for a WHILE even though you feel SO READY for something new and better, but somehow it always feels just that much out of reach......Then join me in this episode about ways you might be you're getting in your own way (most people don't even REALIZE they're doing this), and how to finally break free from those patterns so you can finally GET THERE.

Sunday Jun 28, 2020

Wouldn't it be great to know which activities are going to be outcome-generating (AKA get you the job you want), and which ones are just a waste of time?
Join me for an episode about the biggest "productivity" mistake I see people making when they are looking to upgrade their career.

Friday Jun 26, 2020

Want to seriously up your job-search game and finally land that coveted job?Today we'll cover what is probably the single most overlooked but CRITICAL trait to develop for getting the job, and getting the job done. Plus an exciting announcement!

Thursday Jun 25, 2020

Let me save you tons of money, time, and frustration, as I use this episode to condense my 4 years of computer science studies into the single thing you REALLY need to know.

Thursday Jun 25, 2020

Is it time to leave your current job?
If you've been wondering about some version of this question, then you want to pay close attention to this episode...
Because sometimes it's worth sticking it out through a rough patch... But other times, it's a sign you need to haul butt ASAP to a better place.
Tune in to learn to spot the signs!

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020

Join me in this episode for a discussion about what 99% of people are getting wrong when they approach "The Search," and how to do it right to stand out from the pack.

Monday Jun 22, 2020

Almost everyone who is trying to uplevel their career has dealt with impostor syndrome in one way or another. In this episode, we uncover strategies to overcoming this paralyzing feeling, and why "fake it till you make it" is a common -- but dangerous -- piece of advice.

Sunday Jun 21, 2020

What does it REALLY take to get a job in tech?
Is it knowing the right people? Is it a degree in engineering? Is it working for pennies as an intern? Or having a resume full of... Past jobs in high tech?What if I told you that it was none of those things?In this episode, I'll be pulling back the curtain on the top 3 things every job seeker needs to know to NAIL that job and uplevel their life.

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